
hello online journal! this is officially my first post of 2024. what's been going on? i haven't consumed any alcohol since new years. i really can't be bothered with hangovers anymore and it's nice to wake up without one. i am toying with the idea of abstaining for a while. it's funny, i used to think about how hard it would be going 9 months alcohol free if i was pregnant, but right now i'm enjoying it. granted it has literally been 1 week, so i should hold my horses. but it is tempting. i guess the real test will be how i feel after returning to work. today will be my first day back.

the weather here has been grey and dreadful. it was sunny yesterday so i went for a walk and spoke to my family. i didn't understand why londoners would sprint outside at the first sign of sun when i first arrived to the UK, but that's exactly what i did yesterday. i really took the weather for granted in australia. in fact, i liked overcast or rainy days in australia! now i am basically counting down the days until it is spring or summer.

i've been crocheting a lot and rewatching the legend of korra. i can't really be bothered to go outside. i'm tired of going to pubs or cafes just for the sake of it. what's the point? go and sit there, have the same conversations but in a different place? i think my issue is not so much the location but the company. i just want to be left alone really. i'm used to having my own space and doing my own thing most of the time. sigh sigh sigh.

in other news, i've been trying to sleep on my back instead of on my front. apparently my body is very used to this!! i tried the other night and i was literally awake for two hours before giving in... i know persistence is will be the only way i win but god!! why?? the other fun thing with that is that whilst i am on my back i just lie there and think about everyone i know that has died. great fun! very restful!

with that i will bid you adieu