
well, i had my first overnight shift with the kids i nanny. overall - it was OK, i survived. but didn't love it... obviously. to be honest, i can't even be bothered to write about it here. you know how sometimes you just can't even bring yourself to talk about work outside of work? because you don't want to think about it unless you are being paid to? that's how it makes me feel. i don't even hate it!! but it is just a job.

my real job is a lot more challenging and a lot more is at stake, but i guess i know the rules of that job and generally (hopefully?) do an alright job of it. so it's hard doing something new, that is entirely different. i also have that need to "do a good job", or rather, really a need to "not do the wrong thing" or "get in trouble". i'm still not really sure where i stand with my current gig, but i think i have exited my probation period? so it musn't be terrible? who knows.

from a website point of view, i have reformatted this journal to be with iframes instead of frameset. just works better i think... and it's less scary to use iframes now that i have experimented with it a little bit. i have also reformatted the titles of each page. i think maybe i should include a microblog on the front page like some other sites do, so i can do small updates here and there from a web perspective. i am slowly but surely filling it out, and i have created a to do list on my listography so i can keep track of various ideas as they arise. i'm sort of torn when it comes to privacy etc. there are some pages which would absolutely give me away to anyone that knew me in real life. but i doubt anyone from my real life is going to come across this website. i also haven't put anything salacious in here, but it's nice to have a private place for myself where i have some semblance of anonymity, and can feel free to create without people looking over my shoulder. it's so hard to get that these days. even linking my tumblr felt like a possible overstep. i like creating this website because it takes me away from the usual social media. i still use social media but i want to keep this all siloed off. i, like many others, would like to delete my instagram/facebook etc, however this is how people stay in contact these days. i fantasize about buying a nokia brick phone but i know the reality is i'd just never bother to contact anyone...