the idea behind this page, is to enable you, dear reader (if you even exist), to connect to other sites that i have enjoyed. (this concept is expanded upon in a much more eloquent way here: no dead ends.) at the time of writing (october 2023), i have literally not made any contact with anyone on these sites. right now, i simply admire from afar. one day i will probably reach out, and even make my own website button. (i hope it isn't presumptuous to make a button!!) i have all of the following links saved in a list on my listography, and i refer back to them often. i hope you enjoy them too.


radiowavegirl Pinku Kingdom

(button MIA)

> dozen's journal
> teddybear-halo
> reia
> dizzy's bunny hell
> mental-labour
> weird feelings
> yard on the third street
> gummies
> ocean waves
> bisuko


midnight pub
status cafe

zines, manifestos or websites dedicated to the small web

> i dream of pixel paradise
> cool guy website
> melon king
> 32bit cafe
> user sentimental experience
> yesterweb


> hekate
> epicfranb
> sadgrlonline
> cobyzaby
> lazybones